AirTanker scoops business award

Category: AirTanker


AirTanker were crowned winners in the Large Business category of the West Oxfordshire Business Awards on Friday 14 March.

At an event held near Chipping Norton, The annual awards are now in their fourth year and provide an opportunity for West Oxfordshire businesses to receive recognition for outstanding achievements.

AirTanker Services Finance Director David Haydock, who collected the award, commented, “Receiving this award means a great deal for the people at AirTanker, recognising the efforts everybody has put in to building this company over the past few years, as well as our continued involvement in supporting the local community at all levels. “

The CETA Large Business Award was open to any business that employs more than 25 staff or has an annual turnover of more than £3million.  The judges were looking for evidence of:

 • Business growth

 • A commitment to the local community including local job creation

 • A written business plan demonstrating strategy and vision for the next 3-5 years

 • Proven success and achievement during the past 12 months

 • Management with the ability to drive the business forward

 • A genuine commitment to staff