Our Purpose & Values
Supporting the defence of nations and success of our customers.
The way we behave as individuals and as an organisation supports our mission, vision and the values we hold and stand for together as a team. We pride ourselves on our safety which is of paramount importance to us, our shareholders, military and civilian customers and all those who travel with us. We are committed to the continual improvement of our capabilities and performance, encouraging innovation and novel approaches throughout our business. We have built a strong relationship with our military partners, founded on trust, integrity and dedication as shown throughout the business and we work in collaboration as one team to achieve this.
We are proud of our partnership with the Royal Air Force and most particularly Nos. 10 & 101 Squadron, working together to achieve common goals. We have the utmost respect for all that the Royal Air Force achieves and are honoured to be working together, delivering a modern and vital tanker capability.