ONE Team
At AirTanker we blend knowledge and skills from both military and civil aviation to drive forward innovation in service delivery.
A new way to support the front line
At the heart of our operations is a unique combination of civilians, regular RAF personnel, Sponsored Reservists and contractors. We work together as one team to support our military and civil flying operations
Voyager is delivered by this pioneering mixed manning model that embeds RAF personnel alongside Sponsored Reservists and civilian staff. Working for AirTanker, our highly experienced team provides crew training, aircraft maintenance, dispatch and tasking, in support of the RAF and Voyager Squadrons.
The RAF today is built on working as a whole force; whether as a civilian, regular, reservist or contractor, all roles work in collaboration to achieve successful results towards a combined mission. AirTanker’s support to Voyager takes this to another level and our One Team ethos is at the very foundation of our operations and is testament to the success of our military and civil missions.